Saturday, March 25, 2017

Deloitte tech survay shows surge in fingerprint identification

A new report by financial services tech firm Deloitte has shown a rise in use of fingerprint identification.

The company's closely-watched 'Technology, Media and Telecommunications' report stated that biometric device security was identified as one key trend to watch out for, with the active base of fingerprint reader-equipped devices in the field set to grow.

In the report, the firm predicts that the active base of fingerprint sensor equipped devices will top one billion in early 2017.

It also predicts that about 40 percent of all smartphones in developed countries will incorporate a fingerprint reader as of end-2017. This compares to 30 percent as of mid-2016.

“We expect that at least 80 percent of users with a fngerprint reader-equipped smartphone will use this sensor regularly: this compares to 69 percent of users in mid-2016.”

Paul Lee, head of technology, media and telecommunications research at Deloitte, said at the at the launch of the report in Belfast.

Lee said: “Billions of smartphones and tablets are expected to be capable of processing and collecting multiple types of biometric inputs, including face recognition, voice pattern and iris scan in 2017, but usage of fingerprints will lead the way.”

But the Deloitte research also corroborated the findings of others in forecasting that global sales of tablet devices would fall by about 10 per cent this year, suggesting that demand was reaching a plateau, and that household adoption would end up being substantially lower than for other devices.

Source: Planet Biometrics

Friday, March 24, 2017

Leaks Advice Galaxy S8 Fingerprint Scanner Will Be Next To Camera

The Samsung Galaxy S8’s fingerprint scanner will be positioned right next to its camera, suggest new images of the device tweeted last night by mobile reporter Evan Blass.

The images show three different color models of the smartphone, each from the front, side, and back. As many had anticipated, almost the entire front side of the device is dedicated to the screen. On the back, the camera sits in the upper middle of the device, just above the Samsung logo. The fingerprint sensor appears to be situated next to it, less than a centimeter away.

As The Verge’s Chris Welch writes, the positioning could lead to “a fair number of index finger smudges on the camera lens.” And that could lead to an obvious comparison – and not to the S8’s advantage – to Apple’s next flagship iPhone if that device features an in-display fingerprint sensor, as many now speculate it will.

Still, the Galaxy S8 is expected to have at least one feature that is not widely anticipated for the next iPhone – iris scanning. Paired with facial recognition, the technology could offer users an exceptionally quick, accurate, and convenient means of authentication. That in turn, could mean less frequent use of the fingerprint sensor anyway, and fewer smudges on the camera lens.

Source: The Verge