Sunday, December 31, 2017

Virtual Reality Weddings


AltspaceVR Helped a Couple to Get Married in a VR Venue

Booking a venue is often one of the toughest considerations to take into account during wedding planning, but a couple from Wales managed to avoid that stress altogether by holding a virtual reality wedding. Elisa Evans and Martin Shervington partnered with AltspaceVR to create a complete wedding ceremony in a virtual reality world.

Though the virtual reality wedding was in a hall in the midst of a mystical, red-tinted environment, the real world location was in a local cafe. Shervington and Evans wore VR headsets throughout the entire proceeding, while the 40 guests passed around a few headsets to get into the virtual world.

After the wedding itself, the couple held a reception without the use of any VR technology, combining the traditional with the hyper-modern.
