Sunday, January 7, 2018

Google is investing in Chinese mobile game


Google invests in China's version of Twitch, for streaming mobile video games

Google is investing in Chinese mobile game streaming platform Chushou, the company said Friday.

Chushou announced the Google infusion is part of a $120 million round of funding the company said will help it expand globally.

Chushou runs a game-streaming service similar to Twitch, but for mobile video games. The service has accumulated more than 8 million unique streamers since first launching in 2015, with an average of 250,000 players streaming daily.

"Chushou has built an impressive platform, with a dedicated and quickly growing base of content creators and consumers, and smart expansion plans," said Frank Lin, who handles corporate development for Google in North Asia.

Google-owned YouTube has its own gaming portal where users can stream their video game play, but the service is among several websites banned in China.

Streaming services have surged in popularity along with the rise of esports, or competitive video gaming. According to research firm SuperData, global esports revenue reached $1.5 billion last year, and are projected to rise 26% by 2020. 
