Saturday, December 23, 2017

Proximity Computer Security Keychains

The 'Halberd' Locks and Unlocks Your PC When in Range

Walking away from your computer when you're using it leaves it open to others who might take the opportunity to snoop into your data, so the 'Halberd' keychain has been designed to eliminate this occurrence.

The keychain works by utilizing proximity technology to automatically lock your computer when you walk away and unlock it when you return. This means that quick trips to the washroom or impromptu meetings that have you quickly leaving your workstation won't leave your terminal open to others.

The 'Halberd' keychain identifies the need for more streamlined computer security solutions as consumers become more aware of the threat of data breaches. The keychain uses AES-256 encryption and can even be used to initiate a full lockdown of your computer with the press of a single button.
